Chandrashtama Days 2025
Last updated: Dec 20th, 2024 at 2:44pm Edited by: Infotechies
Chandrashtama Day 2023: Chandrashtama Day has long been a term that has perplexed people despite being significant to Indian culture. In general, it refers to specific days during Shukla Paksha or Krishna Paksha that fall under those signs’ corresponding Nakshatras and Rasis (specific stars).

It is often believed that due to Chandrashtam, people who are born on certain days will suffer from bad luck and misfortune. But because of various superstitions associated with it, it is frequently held that one should refrain from undertaking any major tasks, like beginning something new or long-term goals, like initiating a business venture, during this period. Due to this, even though there isn’t much proof to back up Chandrashtam’s unfavorable image, many families still follow these traditions.
The twenty-seven nakshatras and the twelve zodiac signs form the basis of astrology. A person’s Janma Nakshatra, or governing star at that time, is determined by the Nakshatra that was in force at the time of their birth. It is believed that worshipping your guardian angel, who is claimed to stand for each star, will bring you luck and success. The lunar days for 12 Rasis and 27 Nakshatras in the year 2023 have been estimated here.
chandrashtama days 2023 tamil calendar
- Dhanushu Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2023 – Calendar
- Kadagam Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2023 – Calendar
- Kanni Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2023 – Calendar
- Kumbham Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2023 – Calendar
- Makaram Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2023 – Calendar
- Meenam Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2023
- Mesha Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2025 – Calendar
- Mithuna Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2023 – Calendar
- Rishaba Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2023 – Calendar
- Simmam Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2023 – Calendar
Importance of the Chandrashtama Days
Chandrashtama Days, also known as Chandra Grahan, are a series of astrological events that occur when the Moon passes through a certain point in its orbit. These days are considered inauspicious by some astrologers, and are said to bring negative effects on one’s health, finances, and relationships.
Nakshatra, also known as lunar mansion, is a term used in Hindu astrology to refer to one of the 27 divisions of the sky. Each Nakshatra is associated with a specific group of stars and is said to have its own unique influence on the human mind and body.
It is believed that during the Chandrashtama days, the influence of the Nakshatra in which the Moon is located is said to be particularly strong, and as a result, it is recommended to avoid important activities, like starting new business, signing of contracts, starting new constructions, buying a new property, or any new investments.
It’s also said that during these days, the Moon is said to be in a weak position and therefore, it is not considered an auspicious time to take important decisions or to start new projects.
However, it’s important to note that the beliefs and practices surrounding Chandrashtama days vary among different communities and astrologers. Some may view these days as a time to be cautious and avoid unnecessary risks, while others may see them as an opportunity to perform special rituals or take advantage of the unique energy of the Nakshatra.
It’s always a good idea to consult with an experienced astrologer or to do your own research on Chandrashtama days and Nakshatra before making any important decisions.
It is stated that detrimental frequencies and unfavorable energies target your mind during these Chandrashtama days. They could end up being the cause of your stress, depression, dread, and inability to focus. The Moon undoubtedly starts all of this off and prevents you from functioning well in daily life.
Therefore, you should concentrate on activities that fortify your mind. Develop a strong connection between your spirituality and soul. You can pray, practice yoga, and recite mantras. In addition, since you might not be able to accomplish tasks on your own these days, enlist the aid of others. Continue reading to learn more about how to decrease the influence of the modern world.
Various treatments for Chandrashtama Days
- You can dedicate yourself to thinking about and worshipping the gods and the planet moon.
- It would be preferable if you continued to engage in spiritual activities like giving, Aarti, and prayer.
Ashwini Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023 | chandrashtama days 2023 mesham
Ashwini Nakshatra Dates and Time for chandrashtama days 2023 mesham. Chandrashtama dates for Ashwini Nakshatra are broken down each month, including beginning and end dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 16.01.2023 | 17.01.2023 |
February | 12.02.2023 | 13.02.2023 |
March | 12.03.2023 | 12.03.2023 |
April | 08.04.2023 | 09.04.2023 |
May | 06.05.2023 | 07.05.2023 |
June | 02.06.2023 | 02.06.2023 |
June | 30.06.2023 | 30.06.2023 |
July | 01.07.2023 | 01.07.2023 |
July | 26.07.2023 | 27.07.2023 |
August | 23.08.2023 | 23.08.2023 |
September | 19.09.2023 | 20.09.2023 |
October | 16.10.2023 | 17.10.2023 |
November | 13.11.2023 | 13.11.2023 |
December | 10.12.2023 | 11.12.2023 |
Bharani Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023 | chandrashtama days 2023 mesham
The Bharani Nakshatra Dates and Time for Chandrashtama in 2023 (Aries). Bharani Nakshatra Chandrashtama dates are broken down by month, including beginning and end dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 17.01.2023 | 18.01.2023 |
February | 13.02.2023 | 14.02.2023 |
March | 13.03.2023 | 13.03.2023 |
April | 09.04.2023 | 10.04.2023 |
May | 07.05.2023 | 08.05.2023 |
June | 03.06.2023 | 03.06.2023 |
July | 01.07.2023 | 02.07.2023 |
July | 27.07.2023 | 28.07.2023 |
August | 24.08.2023 | 24.08.2023 |
September | 20.09.2023 | 21.09.2023 |
October | 17.10.2023 | 18.10.2023 |
November | 14.11.2023 | 14.11.2023 |
December | 11.12.2023 | 12.12.2023 |
Karthigai Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
chandrashtama days 2023 mesham & rishabam
Karthigai Nakshatra Dates and Time for Chandrashtama in 2023. Karthigai Nakshatra Chandrashtama dates are broken down each month, including beginning and end dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 18.01.2023 | 19.01.2023 |
February | 14.02.2023 | 15.02.2023 |
March | 14.03.2023 | 14.03.2023 |
April | 10.04.2023 | 11.04.2023 |
May | 08.05.2023 | 09.05.2023 |
June | 04.06.2023 | 04.06.2023 |
July | 02.07.2023 | 03.07.2023 |
July | 28.07.2023 | 29.07.2023 |
August | 25.08.2023 | 25.08.2023 |
September | 21.09.2023 | 22.09.2023 |
October | 18.10.2023 | 19.10.2023 |
November | 15.11.2023 | 15.11.2023 |
December | 12.12.2023 | 13.12.2023 |
Rohini Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
Rohini Nakshatra Dates and Time for chandrashtama days 2023 rishabam. Rohini Nakshatra’s Chandrashtama dates, are broken down by month and include beginning and end dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 19.01.2023 | 20.01.2023 |
February | 15.02.2023 | 16.02.2023 |
March | 15.03.2023 | 16.03.2023 |
April | 11.04.2023 | 12.04.2023 |
May | 09.05.2023 | 10.05.2023 |
June | 05.06.2023 | 05.06.2023 |
July | 03.07.2023 | 04.07.2023 |
July | 29.07.2023 | 30.07.2023 |
August | 26.08.2023 | 26.08.2023 |
September | 22.09.2023 | 23.09.2023 |
October | 19.10.2023 | 20.10.2023 |
November | 16.11.2023 | 16.11.2023 |
December | 13.12.2023 | 14.12.2023 |
Mirugasirisham Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
Mirugasirisham Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise chandrashtama days 2023 rishabam & mithunam
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 20.01.2023 | 21.01.2023 |
February | 16.02.2023 | 17.02.2023 |
March | 16.03.2023 | 17.03.2023 |
April | 12.04.2023 | 13.04.2023 |
May | 10.05.2023 | 11.05.2023 |
June | 06.06.2023 | 07.06.2023 |
July | 04.07.2023 | 04.07.2023 |
July | 30.07.2023 | 30.07.2023 |
August | 27.08.2023 | 28.08.2023 |
September | 23.09.2023 | 24.09.2023 |
October | 20.10.2023 | 21.10.2023 |
November | 17.11.2023 | 18.11.2023 |
December | 14.12.2023 | 15.12.2023 |
Thiruvathirai Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
The sign of Thiruvathirai Dates and Time for chandrashtama days 2023 mithunam. Chandrashtama dates for Thiruvathirai Nakshatra are broken down each month, including beginning and end dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 22.01.2023 | 22.01.2023 |
February | 17.02.2023 | 18.02.2023 |
March | 17.03.2023 | 18.03.2023 |
April | 13.04.2023 | 14.04.2023 |
May | 11.05.2023 | 12.05.2023 |
June | 07.06.2023 | 08.06.2023 |
July | 05.07.2023 | 05.07.2023 |
August | 01.08.2023 | 01.08.2023 |
August | 28.08.2023 | 29.08.2023 |
September | 24.09.2023 | 25.09.2023 |
October | 21.10.2023 | 22.10.2023 |
November | 18.11.2023 | 19.11.2023 |
December | 15.12.2023 | 16.12.2023 |
Punarpoosam Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
Dates and Time for the Punarpoosam Nakshatra Chandrashtama in 2023. chandrashtama days 2023 mithunam & kadagam, are broken down by month and include beginning and end dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 23.01.2023 | 23.01.2023 |
February | 18.02.2023 | 19.02.2023 |
March | 18.03.2023 | 19.03.2023 |
April | 14.04.2023 | 15.04.2023 |
May | 12.05.2023 | 13.05.2023 |
June | 08.06.2023 | 09.06.2023 |
July | 06.07.2023 | 06.07.2023 |
August | 01.08.2023 | 02.08.2023 |
August | 29.08.2023 | 30.08.2023 |
September | 26.09.2023 | 26.09.2023 |
October | 22.10.2023 | 23.10.2023 |
November | 19.11.2023 | 20.11.2023 |
December | 17.12.2023 | 17.12.2023 |
Poosam Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
The Poosam Nakshatra Dates and Time for chandrashtama days 2023 kadagam. Chandrashtama dates for Poosam Nakshatra are broken down each month, including beginning and end dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 24.01.2023 | 24.01.2023 |
February | 19.02.2023 | 20.02.2023 |
March | 19.03.2023 | 20.03.2023 |
April | 16.04.2023 | 16.04.2023 |
May | 13.05.2023 | 14.05.2023 |
June | 09.06.2023 | 10.06.2023 |
July | 07.07.2023 | 07.07.2023 |
August | 02.08.2023 | 03.08.2023 |
August | 30.08.2023 | 31.08.2023 |
September | 27.09.2023 | 27.09.2023 |
October | 23.10.2023 | 24.10.2023 |
November | 20.11.2023 | 21.11.2023 |
December | 18.12.2023 | 18.12.2023 |
Ayilyam Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
The Ayilyam Nakshatra Dates and Time for chandrashtama days 2023 kadagam. Ayilyam Nakshatra Chandrashtama dates are broken down by month, including beginning and end dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 25.01.2023 | 25.01.2023 |
February | 20.02.2023 | 21.02.2023 |
March | 20.03.2023 | 21.03.2023 |
April | 17.04.2023 | 18.04.2023 |
May | 14.05.2023 | 15.05.2023 |
June | 10.06.2023 | 11.06.2023 |
July | 08.07.2023 | 09.07.2023 |
August | 03.08.2023 | 04.08.2023 |
August | 31.08.2023 | 31.08.2023 |
September | 01.09.2023 | 01.09.2023 |
September | 28.09.2023 | 29.09.2023 |
October | 24.10.2023 | 25.10.2023 |
November | 21.11.2023 | 22.11.2023 |
December | 19.12.2023 | 20.12.2023 |
Magha Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
Magha Nakshatra Dates and Time for chandrashtama days 2023 simmam. Chandrashtama dates for the Magha Nakshatra are broken down each month, including beginning and end dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 25.01.2023 | 26.01.2023 |
February | 21.02.2023 | 22.02.2023 |
March | 21.03.2023 | 22.03.2023 |
April | 18.04.2023 | 19.04.2023 |
May | 16.05.2023 | 16.05.2023 |
June | 11.06.2023 | 12.06.2023 |
July | 09.07.2023 | 10.07.2023 |
August | 04.08.2023 | 05.08.2023 |
September | 01.09.2023 | 02.09.2023 |
September | 29.09.2023 | 30.09.2023 |
October | 25.10.2023 | 26.10.2023 |
November | 22.11.2023 | 23.11.2023 |
December | 20.12.2023 | 21.12.2023 |
Pooram Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
Pooram Nakshatra Dates and Time for chandrashtama days 2023 simmam. Pooram Nakshatra’s Chandrashtama dates, are broken down by month and include beginning and end dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 26.01.2023 | 27.01.2023 |
February | 23.02.2023 | 23.02.2023 |
March | 22.03.2023 | 23.03.2023 |
April | 19.04.2023 | 20.04.2023 |
May | 17.05.2023 | 17.05.2023 |
June | 12.06.2023 | 13.06.2023 |
July | 10.07.2023 | 11.07.2023 |
August | 06.08.2023 | 06.08.2023 |
September | 02.09.2023 | 03.09.2023 |
September | 30.09.2023 | 30.09.2023 |
October | 01.10.2023 | 01.10.2023 |
October | 27.10.2023 | 27.10.2023 |
November | 23.11.2023 | 24.11.2023 |
December | 21.12.2023 | 22.12.2023 |
Uthiram Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
Uthiram Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Uthiram Nakshatra with starting and ending dates. chandrashtama days 2023 simmam & Kanni
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 01.01.2023 | 01.01.2023 |
January | 27.01.2023 | 28.01.2023 |
February | 24.02.2023 | 24.02.2023 |
March | 23.03.2023 | 24.03.2023 |
April | 20.04.2023 | 21.04.2023 |
May | 18.05.2023 | 18.05.2023 |
June | 13.06.2023 | 14.06.2023 |
July | 11.07.2023 | 12.07.2023 |
August | 07.08.2023 | 07.08.2023 |
September | 03.09.2023 | 04.09.2023 |
October | 01.10.2023 | 02.10.2023 |
October | 28.10.2023 | 28.10.2023 |
November | 24.11.2023 | 25.11.2023 |
December | 22.12.2023 | 23.12.2023 |
Hastham Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
Hasta Nakshatra Dates and Time for chandrashtama days 2023 simmam & Kanni. Hasta Nakshatra’s Chandrashtama dates by month, including beginning and end dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 01.01.2023 | 02.01.2023 |
January | 28.01.2023 | 29.01.2023 |
February | 25.02.2023 | 25.02.2023 |
March | 24.03.2023 | 25.03.2023 |
April | 21.04.2023 | 22.04.2023 |
May | 19.05.2023 | 19.05.2023 |
June | 14.06.2023 | 15.06.2023 |
July | 12.07.2023 | 13.07.2023 |
August | 08.08.2023 | 08.08.2023 |
September | 04.09.2023 | 05.09.2023 |
October | 02.10.2023 | 03.10.2023 |
October | 29.10.2023 | 29.10.2023 |
November | 25.11.2023 | 26.11.2023 |
December | 23.12.2023 | 24.12.2023 |
Chithirai Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
Dates & Time of the Chithirai Nakshatra for chandrashtama days 2023 Kanni & thulam. Each month’s Chandrashtama dates for the Chithirai Nakshatra are listed, along with start and end dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 02.01.2023 | 03.01.2023 |
January | 29.01.2023 | 30.01.2023 |
February | 26.02.2023 | 26.02.2023 |
March | 25.03.2023 | 26.03.2023 |
April | 22.04.2023 | 23.04.2023 |
May | 20.05.2023 | 20.05.2023 |
June | 15.06.2023 | 16.06.2023 |
July | 13.07.2023 | 14.07.2023 |
August | 09.08.2023 | 09.08.2023 |
September | 05.09.2023 | 06.09.2023 |
October | 03.10.2023 | 04.10.2023 |
October | 30.10.2023 | 30.10.2023 |
November | 26.11.2023 | 27.11.2023 |
December | 24.12.2023 | 25.12.2023 |
Swati Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
Swati Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Swati Nakshatra with starting and ending dates. chandrashtama days 2023 Kanni & thulam
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 03.01.2023 | 04.01.2023 |
January | 30.01.2023 | 30.01.2023 |
February | 27.02.2023 | 28.02.2023 |
March | 26.03.2023 | 27.03.2023 |
April | 23.04.2023 | 23.04.2023 |
May | 21.05.2023 | 21.05.2023 |
June | 16.06.2023 | 17.06.2023 |
July | 14.07.2023 | 14.07.2023 |
August | 10.08.2023 | 10.08.2023 |
September | 06.09.2023 | 07.09.2023 |
October | 04.10.2023 | 05.10.2023 |
October | 31.10.2023 | 31.10.2023 |
November | 27.11.2023 | 28.11.2023 |
December | 25.12.2023 | 26.12.2023 |
Visakam Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
Visakam Nakshatra Dates and Time for chandrashtama days 2023 thulam & viruchigam. Chandrashtama dates for Visakha Nakshatra are broken down each month, including beginning and end dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 04.01.2023 | 05.01.2023 |
January | 31.01.2023 | 31.01.2023 |
February | 28.02.2023 | 28.02.2023 |
March | 01.03.2023 | 01.03.2023 |
March | 27.03.2023 | 28.03.2023 |
April | 24.04.2023 | 24.04.2023 |
May | 22.05.2023 | 22.05.2023 |
June | 17.06.2023 | 18.06.2023 |
July | 15.07.2023 | 15.07.2023 |
August | 11.08.2023 | 11.08.2023 |
September | 07.09.2023 | 08.09.2023 |
October | 05.10.2023 | 06.10.2023 |
November | 01.11.2023 | 01.11.2023 |
November | 28.11.2023 | 29.11.2023 |
December | 26.12.2023 | 27.12.2023 |
Anusham Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
Anusham Nakshatra Dates and Time for chandrashtama days 2023 viruchigam. Anusham Nakshatra Chandrashtama dates broken down by month with beginning and ending dates
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 05.01.2023 | 06.01.2023 |
February | 01.02.2023 | 01.02.2023 |
March | 01.03.2023 | 02.03.2023 |
March | 28.03.2023 | 29.03.2023 |
April | 25.04.2023 | 25.04.2023 |
May | 22.05.2023 | 23.05.2023 |
June | 18.06.2023 | 19.06.2023 |
July | 16.07.2023 | 16.07.2023 |
August | 12.08.2023 | 13.08.2023 |
September | 08.09.2023 | 09.09.2023 |
October | 06.10.2023 | 06.10.2023 |
November | 02.11.2023 | 02.11.2023 |
November | 29.11.2023 | 30.11.2023 |
December | 27.12.2023 | 28.12.2023 |
Kettai Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
Kettai Nakshatra Dates and Time for chandrashtama days 2023 viruchigam. Kettai Nakshatra’s Chandrashtama dates, are broken down by month and include beginning and end dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 06.01.2023 | 06.01.2023 |
February | 02.02.2023 | 02.02.2023 |
March | 02.03.2023 | 03.03.2023 |
March | 29.03.2023 | 30.03.2023 |
April | 26.04.2023 | 26.04.2023 |
May | 23.05.2023 | 24.05.2023 |
June | 19.06.2023 | 20.06.2023 |
July | 17.07.2023 | 17.07.2023 |
August | 13.08.2023 | 14.08.2023 |
September | 09.09.2023 | 10.09.2023 |
October | 07.10.2023 | 07.10.2023 |
November | 03.11.2023 | 04.11.2023 |
November | 30.11.2023 | 30.11.2023 |
December | 01.12.2023 | 01.12.2023 |
December | 28.12.2023 | 28.12.2023 |
Moolam Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
Moola Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Moola Nakshatra with starting and ending dates. chandrashtama days 2023 dhanusu
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 07.01.2023 | 07.01.2023 |
February | 03.02.2023 | 03.02.2023 |
March | 03.03.2023 | 04.03.2023 |
March | 30.03.2023 | 30.03.2023 |
April | 27.04.2023 | 28.04.2023 |
May | 24.05.2023 | 25.05.2023 |
June | 20.06.2023 | 21.06.2023 |
July | 18.07.2023 | 18.07.2023 |
August | 14.08.2023 | 15.08.2023 |
September | 10.09.2023 | 11.09.2023 |
October | 08.10.2023 | 08.10.2023 |
November | 04.11.2023 | 05.11.2023 |
December | 01.12.2023 | 02.12.2023 |
December | 29.12.2023 | 29.12.2023 |
Pooradam Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
Pooradam Nakshatra Dates and Time for chandrashtama days 2023 dhanusu. Pooradam Nakshatra Chandrashtama dates are broken down each month, including beginning and end dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 08.01.2023 | 08.01.2023 |
February | 04.02.2023 | 05.02.2023 |
March | 04.03.2023 | 05.03.2023 |
March | 31.03.2023 | 31.03.2023 |
April | 28.04.2023 | 29.04.2023 |
May | 25.05.2023 | 26.05.2023 |
June | 21.06.2023 | 22.06.2023 |
July | 19.07.2023 | 19.07.2023 |
August | 15.08.2023 | 16.08.2023 |
September | 11.09.2023 | 12.09.2023 |
October | 09.10.2023 | 09.10.2023 |
November | 05.11.2023 | 06.11.2023 |
December | 02.12.2023 | 03.12.2023 |
December | 30.12.2023 | 30.12.2023 |
Uthradam Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
Uthradam Nakshatra Dates and Time for chandrashtama days 2023 dhanusu & magaram. Uthradam Nakshatra Chandrashtama dates are broken down each month, including beginning and end dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 09.01.2023 | 09.01.2023 |
February | 05.02.2023 | 06.02.2023 |
March | 05.03.2023 | 06.03.2023 |
April | 01.04.2023 | 01.04.2023 |
April | 29.04.2023 | 30.04.2023 |
May | 26.05.2023 | 27.05.2023 |
June | 23.06.2023 | 23.06.2023 |
July | 19.07.2023 | 20.07.2023 |
August | 16.08.2023 | 17.08.2023 |
September | 12.09.2023 | 12.09.2023 |
October | 10.10.2023 | 10.10.2023 |
November | 06.11.2023 | 07.11.2023 |
December | 03.12.2023 | 04.12.2023 |
December | 31.12.2023 | 31.12.2023 |
Thiruvonam Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
Thiruvonam Nakshatra Dates and Time for chandrashtama days 2023 magaram. Chandrashtama dates are broken down each month for Thiruvonam Nakshatra, including beginning and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 10.01.2023 | 11.01.2023 |
February | 06.02.2023 | 07.02.2023 |
March | 06.03.2023 | 06.03.2023 |
April | 02.04.2023 | 02.04.2023 |
April | 30.04.2023 | 30.04.2023 |
May | 01.05.2023 | 01.05.2023 |
May | 27.05.2023 | 28.05.2023 |
June | 24.06.2023 | 24.06.2023 |
July | 20.07.2023 | 21.07.2023 |
August | 17.08.2023 | 18.08.2023 |
September | 13.09.2023 | 13.09.2023 |
October | 10.10.2023 | 11.10.2023 |
November | 07.11.2023 | 08.11.2023 |
December | 04.12.2023 | 04.12.2023 |
Avittam Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
Avittam Nakshatra Dates and Time for chandrashtama days 2023 magaram & Kumbam. Chandrashtama dates for Avittam Nakshatra are broken down each month, including beginning and end dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 11.01.2023 | 12.01.2023 |
February | 07.02.2023 | 08.02.2023 |
March | 07.03.2023 | 07.03.2023 |
April | 03.04.2023 | 04.04.2023 |
May | 01.05.2023 | 02.05.2023 |
May | 28.05.2023 | 28.05.2023 |
June | 25.06.2023 | 26.06.2023 |
July | 21.07.2023 | 22.07.2023 |
August | 18.08.2023 | 19.08.2023 |
September | 14.09.2023 | 14.09.2023 |
October | 11.10.2023 | 12.10.2023 |
November | 08.11.2023 | 09.11.2023 |
December | 05.12.2023 | 05.12.2023 |
Sathayam Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
Sathayam Nakshatra Dates and Time for chandrashtama days 2023 Kumbam. Chandrashtama dates for Sathayam Nakshatra are broken down each month, including beginning and end dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 12.01.2023 | 13.01.2023 |
February | 08.02.2023 | 09.02.2023 |
March | 08.03.2023 | 08.03.2023 |
April | 04.04.2023 | 05.04.2023 |
May | 02.05.2023 | 03.05.2023 |
May | 29.05.2023 | 29.05.2023 |
June | 26.06.2023 | 27.06.2023 |
July | 22.07.2023 | 23.07.2023 |
August | 19.08.2023 | 19.08.2023 |
September | 15.09.2023 | 16.09.2023 |
October | 12.10.2023 | 13.10.2023 |
November | 09.11.2023 | 10.11.2023 |
December | 06.12.2023 | 06.12.2023 |
Pooratathi Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
Pooratathi Nakshatra Dates and Time for chandrashtama days 2023 Kumbam & Meenam. Pooratathi Nakshatra’s Chandrashtama dates, are broken down by month and include beginning and end dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 13.01.2023 | 14.01.2023 |
February | 09.02.2023 | 10.02.2023 |
March | 09.03.2023 | 09.03.2023 |
April | 05.04.2023 | 06.04.2023 |
May | 03.05.2023 | 04.05.2023 |
May | 30.05.2023 | 30.05.2023 |
June | 27.06.2023 | 28.06.2023 |
July | 23.07.2023 | 24.07.2023 |
August | 20.08.2023 | 20.08.2023 |
September | 16.09.2023 | 17.09.2023 |
October | 13.10.2023 | 14.10.2023 |
November | 10.11.2023 | 10.11.2023 |
December | 07.12.2023 | 07.12.2023 |
Uthirattathi Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
Dates and time for the Uthirattathi Nakshatra Chandrashtama in 2023. Uthirattathi Nakshatra Chandrashtama dates are broken down each month, including beginning and end dates. chandrashtama days 2023 Meenam.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 14.01.2023 | 15.01.2023 |
February | 10.02.2023 | 11.02.2023 |
March | 10.03.2023 | 10.03.2023 |
April | 06.04.2023 | 07.04.2023 |
May | 04.05.2023 | 05.05.2023 |
May | 31.05.2023 | 31.05.2023 |
June | 28.06.2023 | 29.06.2023 |
July | 24.07.2023 | 25.07.2023 |
August | 21.08.2023 | 21.08.2023 |
September | 17.09.2023 | 18.09.2023 |
October | 14.10.2023 | 15.10.2023 |
November | 11.11.2023 | 11.11.2023 |
December | 08.12.2023 | 08.12.2023 |
Revati Nakshatra Chandrashtama Days 2023
Nakshatra Revati Dates and Time for chandrashtama days 2023 Meenam. Chandrashtama dates for Revati Nakshatra broken down each month, including beginning and end dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 15.01.2023 | 16.01.2023 |
February | 11.02.2023 | 12.02.2023 |
March | 11.03.2023 | 11.03.2023 |
April | 07.04.2023 | 08.04.2023 |
May | 05.05.2023 | 06.05.2023 |
June | 01.06.2023 | 01.06.2023 |
June | 29.06.2023 | 30.06.2023 |
July | 25.07.2023 | 26.07.2023 |
August | 22.08.2023 | 22.08.2023 |
September | 18.09.2023 | 19.09.2023 |
October | 15.10.2023 | 16.10.2023 |
November | 12.11.2023 | 12.11.2023 |
December | 09.12.2023 | 10.12.2023 |
Chandrastama days have an impact on your life
When the planet Moon is in the same nakshatra (lunar mansion) as the natal Moon, those days are known as chandrashtama days. These days might have an impact on our emotions and temperament, making us feel more prone to sensitivity or worry. It is advised that we refrain from initiating any new undertakings or endeavors during this time. Others believe that we might benefit from them by becoming more sensitive and alert to connect with our intuition and make better decisions. Meditation or time spent in nature may be beneficial if you are experiencing a Chandrashtama period when you are very sensitive or nervous. Our emotions can be balanced by connecting with loved ones and spending time in supportive social settings.
What is chandrashtama days?
Chandrashtama Days, also known as Chandra Grahan, are a series of astrological events that occur when the Moon passes through a certain point in its orbit.
What to do on chandrashtama days?
On Chandrashtama days, people may choose to follow certain rituals or practices in order to mitigate any negative effects that may occur. Here are a few examples:
Avoiding starting new projects or making important decisions.
Fasting or eating only a simple vegetarian diet.
Performing special pujas or rituals to appease the Moon.
Avoiding cutting hair, nails, or shaving.
Avoiding any kind of travel, especially by air.
Avoiding any kind of financial transactions, like buying or selling property, investing, signing contracts, etc.
Avoiding any kind of medical treatment.
What is chandrashtama days in Tamil?
சந்திராஷ்டம நாட்கள், சந்திர கிரஹன் என்றும் அழைக்கப்படுகிறது, சந்திரன் அதன் சுற்றுப்பாதையில் ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட புள்ளியைக் கடக்கும்போது ஏற்படும் ஜோதிட நிகழ்வுகளின் தொடர்.
How to calculate chandrashtama days in Tamil?
சந்திராஷ்டம நாட்கள் அதன் சுற்றுப்பாதையில் சந்திரனின் நிலையை அடிப்படையாகக் கொண்டு கணக்கிடப்படுகிறது. இந்த நாட்களில் தீர்மானிக்க சில முறைகள் பயன்படுத்தப்படுகின்றன, ஆனால் பொதுவாக பயன்படுத்தப்படும் ஒன்று “அஷ்டகவர்கா” முறை.
இந்த முறை மற்ற கிரகங்களுடன் சந்திரனின் நிலையைக் கணக்கிடுவதை உள்ளடக்கியது மற்றும் பஞ்சாங்கத்தில் உள்ள “அஷ்டகவர்கா” அட்டவணையை அடிப்படையாகக் கொண்டது.