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7th Pay Matrix Table PDF | 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix Table

Last updated: Jan 1st, 2024 at 7:57pm Edited by: Infotechies

The Central Government’s civilian workforce is represented in the 7th Pay Commission’s pay matrix table. It is created with the new pay structure and the enormous opportunities that have emerged outside of government over the past 30 years in mind. Greater competition for human resources and the need to entice and retain the best people available in government services result from this.

The 7th Pay Commission’s 7th Pay Matrix Table is a numerical table with 760 cells. It is a single fitment table with 19 columns and 40 rows suitable for more than 30 lakh central government employees. The numbers in the horizontal field correspond to the functional roles in the hierarchy and range from 1 to 18. The vertical range represents pay advancement at that level. A vertical line also depicts a 3.00% annual financial advancement inside each level.

7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix Table | Overview

Table Name7th Pay Matrix Civilian Table
Type of TableBasic Salary Table
Introduced By7th Central Pay Commission
Implemented from1st January 2016
Updated on16 May 2017
BeneficiariesCentral Govt Employees
Index of TableNumber of Stages
Level of TableCurrent Status of Post
Total Level19
Total Cell540 Valued Cell (760)
Minimum Value of Table18,000
Maximum Value of Table2,50,000

Advantages of 7th Pay Matrix | Central Government

  • The grade pay and pay bands can be integrated into one level using the 7th Pay matrix.
  • Through the use of this 7th Pay Commission pay matrix, PB-3 and PB-4 concerns are resolved.
  • The level of the pay matrix reduces the disparity between various pay bands.
  • The determination of modified pay is made easier by the 7th Pay Commission Matrix, which eliminates the need for further calculations.
  • Pay for differential admission has been agreed upon.
  • It eliminates the challenges associated with annual advancement, frequent promotion, and length of service.
  • when compared to the prior approach, offers more visibility and clarity.
  • Facilitate the administrative process.
  • provides a clear, well-rounded, and error-free overview of the payment system.
  • The Pay Matrix, which functions as a useful tool to get in, fixes the issues with pay progression.

7th CPC Pay Matrix Level in 5 Segments

The standard pay scales had been broken down into 5 segments under the 6th pay commission regime. Pay Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, and HAG Scales are available. After the implementation of the 7th pay commission, the pay bands and grade pay structure was converted into a pay level system. The pay scale is described below, with the least and maximum basic salaries, and the five-division pay bands.

7th CPC Pay Matrix Table Excel Download

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