
West Bengal Government Public Holiday List 2024

Last updated: Mar 20th, 2024 at 5:35pm Edited by: Infotechies

The Government of West Bengal Public Holiday List 2024

Holidays play a significant role in balancing Human life. Everyone needs holidays to relax and feel stress-free from all work. It becomes part of everyone’s lives. Public holidays are given to celebrate cultural, Nationalistic, and religious festivals. In some Instant, Local holidays are also provided to celebrate local festivals.

The state of West Bengal was formed in 2000. West Bengal published 505 newspapers in 2005, 389 of which were in Bengali. The Government of West Bengal announced public and Optional holidays for 2024. Generally, the Second and Fourth Saturdays and Sundays are holidays given by the Government of West Bengal.

West Bengal Government 2024 -Public Holiday List

check Below the West Bengal Government Public Holiday List 2024

12 JanFriSwami Vivekananda Jayanti
23 JanTueNetaji Subhas Chandra Bose Jayanti
26 JanFriRepublic Day
14 FebWedVasant Panchami
25 MarMonDoljatra
29 MarFriGood Friday
10 AprWedIdul Fitr
14 AprSunBengali New Year
14 AprSunDr Ambedkar Jayanti
1 MayWedMay Day
8 MayWedGuru Rabindranath Jayanti
23 MayThuBuddha Purnima
17 JunMonBakrid / Eid al Adha
15 AugThuIndependence Day
2 OctWedMahalaya Amavasye
2 OctWedGandhi Jayanti
10 OctThuMaha Saptami
11 OctFriMaha Ashtami
12 OctSatMaha Navami
13 OctSunVijaya Dashami
17 OctThuLakshmi Puja
1 NovFriDiwali
15 NovFriGuru Nanak Jayanti
25 DecWedChristmas Day


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